This 1920s Felix the Cat toy is a collectible vintage toy featuring the iconic character Felix the Cat. These toys are highly sought after by collectors due to their historical significance and association with the beloved cartoon character.
The wooden toy with a painted face and chest, leather ears, and rope-linked limbs, bearing a patent applied for notice and a 1922-1924 copyright on the base of the foot, is a rare and valuable piece of early 20th-century memorabilia. It represents a significant historical connection to the popular cartoon character Felix the Cat and offers a glimpse into the craftsmanship of that era. Collectors often prize such items for their uniqueness and historical authenticity.
Circa: 1920’s
H: 9”
W: 4”
D: 2”
Dimensions:Height: 9 in (22.86 cm)Width: 4 in (10.16 cm)Depth: 2 in (5.08 cm)
Style:Arts and Crafts(In the Style Of)
Materials and Techniques:LeatherPaintWoodHand-CarvedHand-CraftedHand-Painted
Place of Origin:United States
Period:Early 20th Century
Date of Manufacture:1920
Condition:GoodWear consistent with age and use. Good vintage condition Please be aware that most of the items are vintage/antique and may have small defects or signs of age. However, we strive to provide clear and honest descriptions and photographs for every item. Please contact us for anything.
Seller Location:Chicago, IL
Reference Number:Seller: LU6791236998762
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